Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac
Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac

Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac

Once you’ve collected the necessary frames, download them to Lightroom, select all of them, and open one in the Develop module. The more frames you shoot, the more you’ll be able to reduce the noise. Start by shooting at least four, and preferably more, identical frames using the correct land exposure.

Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac

Here, in detail, is the procedure for using Stack Mode>Median to reduce noise in the land. The process of aligning the stars turns the land into a blurry mess, so you can count on lots of cloning along the skyline to create a clean boundary between the two images. You’ll then need to stack the good-sky and good-land images in Photoshop and blend them. Once the stars are aligned, you can use the Stack Mode>Median-Mean utility built into RegiStar or the noise-reduction utility built in to Starry Landscape Stacker to reduce noise. There may be other programs available by the time you read this. As I write this, the best programs I’ve found for this purpose are RegiStar from Auriga Software (PC only) or Starry Landscape Stacker (Mac only). Registering the stars requires specialized astronomical software.

Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac

Deleting the land from all the frames won’t help in my experience, Photoshop will simply report that it can’t align the images at all. Photoshop’s Auto-Align Layers utility is designed to identify features in the land portion of the frame and make them align. You can also shoot multiple frames using the correct exposure for the sky, but the stars will move enough between frames that they won’t align when you stack the images in a layered Photoshop file.

Star Landscape Starry Landscape Stacker For Mac