Once back up your RDS Licensing should be back at the start of a 128 Day grace period. Now there should be a binary key value (like in the screenshot), you first need to have full access permissions to the folder (or take ownership) and then simply delete that value and reboot the server. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal ServerRCMGracePeriod As always when editing the registry, take a backup of the key/s you’re modifying. To reset the grace period there is a registry key that we need to delete. Since this was a test I didn’t want to go using keys to activate or setup a licensing server (purely a PoC for us in IT at this stage). Going back to the RDS host I found the Licensing popup that informed me that the 128 day trial license had expired. After going through the motions of enabling the Remote Desktop Features and setting up RemoteFX on a Virtual Machine for testing, I found that I couldn’t login via RDP to that machine. As a trial I begun setting up RDS on one of our Dev machines. So we recently started looking into Terminal Services and RemoteFX to power some of our admin users and move them off to thin clients instead of full blown desktops. In the GUI, there is the message 'Expired on 1' with the possibility to upload a license file. Since FortiOS 6.0.1 the evaluation license expires right from the first start of the virtual machine. For testing, there was an integrated evaluation license for 15 days in each Fortigate VM.The FortiGate-VM virtual appliance includes a limited 15-day evaluation license that supports. FortiGate-VM virtual appliance evaluation license. After the trial license expires, functionality is disabled until you upload a full license file. The trial period begins the first time you start the FortiGate-VM.Such type of license must be obtained from the Customer & Service Support website and installed on the FGT-VM either at the GUI or at the CLI. A permanent license must be installed on the FGT-VM before the trial/evaluation license expires and the FGT-VM ceases functioning.Fortigate Vm Trial License Reset Windows 10.I have also created a script which powers off and on a VM of your choice (such as a UPS agent) in case it shuts down the host. The commands above can be run automatic to keep your ESXi license reset on a set schedule using cron. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the computing environment for running instances of an AMI. An AMI contains all the information necessary to start up and run the software on the image. Fortigate Vm Trial License Reset By dieruspebe1972 Follow | PublicįortiGate VM includes a limited embedded 15-day trial license if you run in.